616.588.8880 Appointment

Hair Transplant Timeline Grand Rapids, MI

Your Hair Restoration Process

A Step-by-Step Guide to NeoGraft At New Vista Hair Restoration Center

Schedule Your Consultation

Before making any decisions about your treatment, attending an online or in-person consultation with a hair restoration specialist at New Vista Hair Restoration Center is important. We are conveniently located in Grand Rapids, MI. Schedule your consultation today!

Attend Your

During your private in-person or virtual consultation, the hair restoration specialist will determine the cause(s) of your hair loss, listen to your specific goals, and design a customized treatment plan for you. Each treatment plan is carefully designed to achieve the best and most natural-looking results. Our consultations are very detailed and last about 60 minutes. Please note: at this time, we will also evaluate your medical history.

Weigh Your

To assist you in making an informed decision, our Hair Restoration team will provide materials that contain information about the procedures and treatments we offer and detail the specific costs associated with your individualized treatment plan. After reviewing these materials, you can decide which treatment best fits your concerns, budget, and overall goals.

Prepare For Your Procedure

Once you decide that a hair transplant or non-surgical procedure is right for you, you will be given a detailed set of pre-operative instructions. New Vista Hair Restoration Center is one of the safest facilities to receive a NeoGraft Hair Restoration.

Day Of

Your NeoGraft Procedure

Undergo The Procedure

If you are undergoing a hair transplant, the hair restoration specialist will begin by applying a numbing anesthetic to block the sensation to your scalp during the procedure. Rest assured, each hair transplant session, which typically lasts between five to eight hours, is meticulously designed to prioritize your comfort and well-being. If you are undergoing a non-surgical procedure or medical therapy, your treatment session will be much shorter.


NeoGraft Recovery and Aftercare

Your Recovery

After your procedure, you'll want to set aside some "social downtime." Most patients are back to work in a couple of days, but the initial 48 hours will require wearing a bandage. For optimal recovery and privacy, consider working from home during the first week. While the majority of patients are fully back to their routine within 10 to 12 days, giving yourself a few days buffer can be beneficial for both comfort and peace of mind.

Your Aftercare

After a hair transplant Grand Rapids patients may experience some minor to moderate discomfort. Patients should avoid strenuous physical activity, but can begin exercising again once cleared to do so by our hair restoration specialists.

Your Follow-Up Appointments

The hair restoration specialist will recommend follow-up appointments every four months in the year following your treatment. It is important to note that patients with severe hair loss may need several sessions to achieve their desired results.

Hair Restoration Consultation

A Comfortable & SupportiveExperience

Hair loss can be a sensitive issue, and at New Vista Hair Restoration Center, we are committed to providing our patients with a comfortable and supportive environment. During your consultation, our experts will evaluate your hair loss and discuss your goals and expectations. We will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals.